
Losing Weight Sustainably: New Habit 2--What to Eat

New Habit 2: Just Say No to Carbs It’s more what you don’t eat. You don’t eat high-carbohydrate foods. Forget glycemic loading, you’re just going to (mostly) say No to carbohydrates. While you are developing your loathing of carbohydrates (sugar in all its forms, bread, rice, pasta—you know where the carbs lurk), you want to initially have your carbs in Cronometer be fewer than 50 g. Eventually you’ll knock that down, because your aim is to turn your body into a fat-burning machine, which is pretty simple but does require, as Tom Hanks said in You’ve Got Mail, some “tweaking.” Don’t go crazy on protein, especially in the beginning. You’re going to be breaking down lots of fat, and you’re going to be drinking lots of water to lubricate that process, and you don’t want to burden your kidneys with unnecessary protein. For a video about the importance of water in ketogenic diets, please spend fewer than six minutes watching

Losing Weight Sustainably: New Habit One--Tracking

Tracking Your Weight, Calories, and Caloric Expenditure The way you get less heavy is by changing the habits of what you shove into your mouth. My kryptonite has always been Fritos and pizza. And potato chips. I was never so much of a sweets addict, but I certainly appreciate a piece of chocolate cake or the odd chocolate milkshake. Oh, and onion rings. Because I deserve them! So we get to habit number one that you need to modify. This is crucial, and if you don’t establish it, you will fail. I promise. 1.      You can’t fix what you can’t see: you need to scrupulously track your weight and your intake every day . Not once a week, not neurotically twice a day or more, but once a day in the morning, preferably after you’ve taken a dump. · provides a free online weight/calorie/nutrition module that you can access from anywhere that is connected to the Internet. Sign up for it. I usually set up...

Losing Weight Sustainably

There are plenty of ways that work to help you lose weight. The problem is not losing weight, it is keeping it off once you become less adipose laden. Medifast, Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers—all of the diet plans work on the downside. I twice lost more than 40 pounds using Medifast and Nutrisystem. I guess you can say that with Medifast, I lost more than 80 pounds! The crushing disappointment for me came after “transition,” as they call it in Medifast, which I “failed” both times, gradually seeing my scale results edge up until I was right back where I had started, more or less. You can imagine how I felt about myself, and the hundreds of dollars I wasted. So why do I imagine that this time will be different? I’m still on the down escalator. 1.      I’m not paying $200–$300 a month to consume unnatural products. 2.      I’m eating real food. When I get to a target bf%/BMI/weight, I’ll eat more. 3.      I’m not doin...

Why You Should Donate Blood

I just wrestled with my excellent doctor to have her put in a request to have my serum ferritin measured in my yearly blood work. That most men have a gross overload of excess, highly reactive iron in their bodies that is having a multitude of deleterious effects: this is almost unknown not only among laymen, but among the professionals, too. This contributes to higher rates of heart disease, arrhythmia, cancer, you name it. Read the following links and weep for what the medical establishment has not shared with you. Long intro, but here are the basics. This will require reading some links. The bad news is that this is a serious problem, causing increased heart disease and cancer. The good news is that there is an easy way to remediate it. Usually for free, by giving blood. Additional reasons for giving blood, beside the altruistic ines, is that the production of younger cells reduces the viscosity and likelihood of clot formation in this hydrodynamically active substance; this may b...