Losing Weight Sustainably: New Habit 2--What to Eat
New Habit 2: Just Say No to Carbs It’s more what you don’t eat. You don’t eat high-carbohydrate foods. Forget glycemic loading, you’re just going to (mostly) say No to carbohydrates. While you are developing your loathing of carbohydrates (sugar in all its forms, bread, rice, pasta—you know where the carbs lurk), you want to initially have your carbs in Cronometer be fewer than 50 g. Eventually you’ll knock that down, because your aim is to turn your body into a fat-burning machine, which is pretty simple but does require, as Tom Hanks said in You’ve Got Mail, some “tweaking.” Don’t go crazy on protein, especially in the beginning. You’re going to be breaking down lots of fat, and you’re going to be drinking lots of water to lubricate that process, and you don’t want to burden your kidneys with unnecessary protein. For a video about the importance of water in ketogenic diets, please spend fewer than six minutes watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pn6Rv0Ez4...